Thursday, November 05, 2009

AJ's Publix & Winn-Dixie Trip 11/5/09...

So this isn't the best picture, but I had a hard time fitting everything in. Some things are hidden, but we are definitely set for quite a while! Here's how I did...

Total before sales & coupons: $165.63
Total after sales & coupons: $69.89 (with tax)

Total saved: $95.74

Total before sales & coupons: $89.73
Total after sales & coupons: $55.65 (with tax)
Total saved: $38.82

TOTAL SPENT OOP: $125.54 ($247.85 worth of groceries!!!)
TOTAL SAVED: $134.56

How did you do this week??

1 comment:

  1. These are my favorite posts. This is why I started watching this blog. I have refered this site to sooo many people. LOVE IT!
